“To improve men’s health, it is beneficial to raise men’s awareness by

enabling men to define what health means to them.”

CeNTRE FOr MEn’s Health, University of Otago

It Is Hard Being a Man

From being the most revered member of society, men are now unsure where they sit, what they can do, say and think on a daily basis. Appreciating also, that many health and mindset messages delivered are not really geared for easy male consumption….. here is where Building Better Blokes is different. Purpose built, no frills down to earth information and coaching, delivered through groups, events and one 2 one are all available. You will gain an insight into what works for YOU, what doesn’t and tools to try to identify where you want to put your energy to build you and your world better.

With new courses coming on board regularly, don’t take my word for it….take it from the particpants!